Sunday, July 4, 2010

Greetings From South Africa!

Hello everyone! I apologize that I haven't been able to post on here yet, the place where I am staying does not have good internet. For awhile, it only had one computer and 23 people trying to use it.
I also apologize because I won't be able to give you everything we have done so far, because I am on a friends computer (Macs for some reason do not want to hook up to the wireless internet) and I do not have my journal with me. As soon as I can I promise I will give a better update, because I know you are all anxious to hear about everything I am doing.

I cannot get over how incredible this place is. The view is spectacular. I have taken many pictures of everything, but they do not do it any justice and it is hard to put into words how beautiful the scenery is. Everywhere we go you can either see the mountains or the ocean. I really wish my family and friends could see it, it is amazing.
Because of the World Cup the vibe in Cape Town is awesome and I have had the opportunity to meet people from all around the world. Apparently it is easy to tell we are American, mostly because of our accent. I was able to play a vuvuzela, and don't worry, I bought three.

Some things we have done so far: Cheetah Outreach center (some people actually got to pet a cheetah), Robben Island Museum, gone to the Waterfront (to watch the World Cup games), Wine tasting (on the side of a mountain... no big deal.), Peninsula Trip (including Boulders where we got to see penguins, and Leonardo Dicaprio!--okay maybe some explanation here, he is currently on vacation in Cape Town, he was literally standing 3 feet around us and we had no idea. I had even looked at him and it didn't register in my head that it was him. It was so bizarre, but awesome!), bargaining with street vendors, and soooo much more. Tomorrow is our first day at University of Cape Town. We will be doing presentations of a paper/power point we did before we left for the trip.

I miss everyone and wish you all could be here! I am having an amazing time and promise to give a better update when I can!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your days are action packed! I'm sure there is so much more to the stories and cannot wait to hear! So glad you are seeing so much and are being safe:)
    Can't wait for the next blog!!! attention next time if you get near Leonardo Dicaprio!!
    Love you!
