Friday, July 9, 2010

This is for Africa!

This morning for breakfast we had chicken bites, aka chicken nuggets along with the usual breakfast foods. It has been fun trying new foods with every meal- even breakfast!
After breakfast it was back to UCT for more class/presentations. No one was really looking forward to it because we were all so exhausted, but it turned out to be a good day. A few of our guest lecturers canceled so we got a chance to talk to Corvell and ask questions. He told us a little about his experiences in school and with apartheid. We all really appreciated this because it was the first time so far we had gotten to talk to someone in person about their own experiences. It was so interesting hearing his stories because I know we all looked at him as our teacher/mentor/leader. Sometimes when you look at a person like that you forget that they have a past and a life outside of that role.
After lunch we walked around the UCT campus, it looks like an old school with ivy covered buildings, similar to MSU. The campus overlooks Cape Town and the view is spectactular (as it is everywhere). MSU has a beautiful campus so it is hard for me to be jealous of the students at UCT. We went on a little hike (apparently in preparation for our climb down Table Mountain tomorrow) to the Rhodes memorial/monument. Rhodes was the first gov. of Cape Town. Again, what a view! I still can't get over it.
Back to the classroom for more lectures. This one was about a testing system used in schools in Cape Town. It was funny watching people try to stay awake (even though I guess I shouldn't be talking...).
Tonight was our last night having dinner at the church. Lamb, mixed veggies, roasted potatoes, and stir fry.. ice cream for dessert!
Then a relaxing night at Deo Gratia.

Today we climbed (down) Table Mountain! What a challenge!
We took the cable car up to the top. The highest part is over 1000 meters (you do the conversion). We had some time to look around and take pictures (I promise I'm trying as hard as I can to upload some, but you might have to wait until August...). After a quick lunch we began our climb down. At first we were all amazed by the view (no surprise there) but that changed quickly as the challenge of the path and the heat got to us. I made it down in 2 hours and 20 minutes, I think the fastest person in our group was 1 hour and 55 minutes. It was a challenge but I would do it again, not tomorrow, but again. Maybe up next time?
We were supposed to have dinner at Deo Gratia at 6 pm, but since we were on South African time, we sat down to eat at 8:45! Oh man... The owners of Deo Gratia wanted to make us a South African meal so we had snoek braai (barbeque, meaning grilled). It was yummy! We also had roasted sweet potatoes and garlic rolls. YUM! We all just sat around with Corvell's family and had a good time.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having the time of your life...can't wait to hear about the school that you will be at.!
    Love you
    love Mom
