Thursday, July 15, 2010

FINALLY internet access!

So I was able to hook up to the wireless internet at my school (thankfully), so here is what I have been up to!
Today was our last day of classes at UCT. I was very interested in this day because we had two principals come in and I want to be a principal eventually. It was very interesting learning about the different types of problems the schools have and how they are surprising similar to problems in the US. (think funding).
We had some cancellations so we got to go to the District 6 Museum. District 6 started out as a very culturally diverse place. Many races lived together and their cultures mixed peacefully. A lot of excellent music came from District 6. Then in 1966 it was declared an all white area and everyone was forced out and relocated. Most of the homes were destroyed. It has been very interesting learning about South Africa's history and we are very lucky to talk to people who experienced apartheid and are willing to talk to us about it.
After our final presentation at UCT we headed to North Pine (I think Lutheran) Church for dinner, games and traditional African dancing... what a riot! It was one of the best nights so far. For dinner we had a traditional meal called potjie, think seafood stew- calimari, prawns, crab, and mussels. It was good, but I don't think I would order it at a restaurant. We had some singers perform for us and then we played some circle game that involved running. Finally it was time for some dancing! We were taught a traditional dance (called gumboot?) as well as the dance to "Waka Waka" by Shakira. In between our dance lessons we just had one big dance party. IT was so much fun! It was awesome to be able to bond with everyone and just relax.

This morning we got to sleep in, it was wonderful!
We traveled two hours to Hermanus, along the way we got Magnum Ice Cream bars and it is a shame they don't sell them in the US. SO GOOD.
We are staying at a travelers lodge called Zoete Inval. Its cute, but I dont like it. Its cold.
We had some time before dinner to shop/eat/drink/explore before dinner so a bunch of us found a little bar called Zebra Crossing. It was cute! Very small but everyone was very nice in there. And randomly a guy (who I'm hoping worked there) brought out a boa constrictor.
For dinner we went to a restaurant called Deer Hunters Lodge, this was the 1st meal I didn't really care for. They jsut put some weird cheese sauce on it. But all was well because after dinner a bunch of us decided to go to a disco.. aka dance club, called Bojangles (yes I know). It was a lot of fun even though they pretty much played loud techno music all night.

Today we traveled down to Cape Arugulas to see a cool lighthouse and go to the Southernmost tip of Africa. For lunch I had a yellowfish meal. I never really ate fish until I got here but I'm starting to become a fan. After lunch I went up to the top of the lighthouse with a few people. Once again we got to see an amazing view of the ocean. I seriously still cannot get over the view.
The Southernmost tip is the most south you can go in Africa, it is also where the Indian and Atlantic ocean meet. We took a lot of cool pictures and found some seashells and rocks. Every the science nerd- all my pockets were filled with rocks.
We went to the most yummy place ever for dinner called Fusion in Hermanus. We watched the closing ceremonies for the World Cup as well as the final game where Spain won 1-0.

1 comment:

  1. oOoOo You'll have to teach me some traditionl African dancing! lol
