Monday, June 28, 2010

The Beginning of a New Adventure

Well, I leave for Cape Town, South Africa today! Its going to be a loooonnnggg two days. First I believe a 7 hour flight to Amsterdam, 4 1/2 hour layover, and then I think a 13 hour (maybe less) flight to Cape Town. I'm all stocked up on books, magazines, and of course candy and snacks to help make the flight go by faster. I can't wait! I'm nervous but still very excited.
Just wanted to say thank you to all of my family and friends who helped me get here. I promise to keep you all updated with my travels and teachings in South Africa.

ps. I think I figured out how to set it so you can post comments without having a profile.. so someone try it out! Just make sure you write your name so I know who you are! Otherwise, you might have to make a profile if you want to post a comment, but it is pretty easy to do!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

And the count down begins!

Hello everyone! Just getting my blog set up for my trip to South Africa! As you are probably aware, I am participating in a Cross-Cultural Teaching Abroad in South Africa this summer through MSU. I leave June 29th and will return back the the U.S. August 12th. I will use this blog to keep my friends and family updated about my adventures while I am there.

Currently I am (impatiently) counting down the days (17) until I leave! Watching the world cup on TV is only making me more anxious to go.

While I am there I am looking forward to many things including: traveling, observing/teaching in a classroom, living with my host mom/mentor teacher, bungy jumping (sorry Mom), shark cage diving, and ostrich riding. I am very excited to experience a new culture and learn a lot about myself and others.

I'm not sure of my internet connection while I am in South Africa, but I will update my blog as often as I can!

ps. send me addresses! I will send post cards if I can!